Friday, July 06, 2012

US tripping

Minneapolis then Milwaukee.. M&M overdose?
one dream coming true, the other drenched by the hose?

energy is everything, yet still the means..
needs input, gives output - proportionately.

have everything yet nothing - thts me
have nothing yet everything? - i admire u

iv lost, iv found.. a lot in life
thrs this new book im reading - ghosts, unicorns n a wife.

im blessed - i know, i cant appreciate - i know..
i sin to a degree thts way way below.

retirement - my new dream.. sleep comes free,
all i want is a bed, music n peace - eternally.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

office night aha

energy rushin, gotta keep at the wheel
zooming, assuming - will eventually kneel
something to look forward to - weeknights, weekend mornings
when the chords begin faltering, black-holish turns the zeal

y live, y fight, y find beauty in the night
when the kids themselves can tell u, the spelling isn't right
a spell of charm, balloonish - eyes clouded, ecstasy
here come the cops, the morning alarm - its jus u, ur misery

the mirror's proud to hav u, the car seat too-
all u touch revives, blooms, glitters;
its easy to forget the lives uv played with;
one waits, the other shivers - shrugs - returns to work and the kids let me off with a whimper

play God. too lazy to worship
Psalm 23's not even beckham;
pamper ur folks, fry ur own yolks-
theyd hav a better time if ud just let em.

the cv rocks, the client high fives!
lets swipe like its gonna dissolve soon;
y bother, y type - the time is ripe
wave at the world, n better be gone soon.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

trees are good. for me. for us.

the life. lived. now playin the bonus tracks.
the onus now being on the bonus.

3 years since the last post,
6 months since i missed my toast;
all i know tht the best form, highest degree of luck so pure-
in me it finds a host.

lost the dream i believed in,
the meaning i thought was sole;
cribbed, cursed, tore my hair out,
cos all i saw was a choking, black hole.

music. an angel- cant play, cant sing.
can appreciate, cos it connects, stirs, transports, transforms.
cos it bloddy saves.

music. praise be to the unassuming sense.
Nirvana, Greg Laswell, REM - a list wud always b incomplete;
Its deep in my blood; defining the moments-
Low. High. or jus plain driving from A to B.

the car. it responds, obeys, thrills.
n i abuse it to facilitate some kills? - when will i learn?
after im behind bars? or within the noose?
sometimes i wish- i had nothing to lose.

the j kids- core to our lives,
lose the calm, the order; bring on the noise,
the world awaits to poison them,
till then my source of smiles is them boys.

smiles, grins, laughs - joy
sorry ma'am, wrong number.
but wait, His plans we never figure,
Iv been pulled out from tht pessimistic slumber. Damn. Damn?

Have i thrown caution away? Cos i shud believe tht im jus clinging to hope? Hopelessly?
Or is it tht iv got the strength n clarity to recognise n accept wots been waitin,
Waitin all along for me.

Foolish n o-so-familiar dreamlike,
When will i ever learn;
Bloddy let me live my life,
The judge is me, n im letting me hav my turn.

Things cud still go wrong, but im here to try,
Jus pray tht those who matter don hav to bid peace goodbye;
i mean no harm- im here to c u all smile,
but i can do it best when she's by my side.

im sorry, for all the pain iv caused,
iv been immature, blind, too trusting and disrespectful;
i wanna reform, be the son tht was probably lost,
n prove myself a lil less awful.

Mistakes iv made, is it yet another?
Am i jus never gonna change n let my life be taken over?
NO - cos i still believe, cos i still hav faith,
That i can choose sum1 to make r family happier.

i may b wrong; sorry for that.
How many times, whats the point u ask?
i dunno - i really dont - i jus know at some point within,
tht i hav it in me to make it last.

Shes here; n im thankful.
Shes defining it, the vibes r all in;
I jus want it to work out - it has to;
Gotta get onto a truckload of praying.

Friday, September 07, 2007

look ma, all urs

Mom- the reason im here.
the more words the more injustice..



a year.. a bloody year
a bloody crazy year

of luv
of life
of living


the evidence piles on.. of purity of emotion.. energising.. incapactitating.. renewing.. tormenting

a response always thought to b a dream.. an experience meant for the complement.. me'

now it' s here.. she' here.. wild. wild.
a movie. a thriller. a drama.

unbridled emotion. 2 me. 4 me.
am i being rewarded at long last? or motivated? or plain ol empathy after all.

nopes. true pure refreshing innocent energy.
all hunky dory then?
hell no..cos its me remember? where'll the pain go then? left to fend for itslf? im its self-appointed guardian dear.

so .....
n guess wot.. its me at fault again.
this time for being at the other end of the spectrum.
the emotional spectrum.
from Vulgar to Rude.. watevr happend to being jus Good??

n then the books? family? work? to each a rung... but which..
y the rung i ask.. a comfy diwan would be unacceptable? but y?

mutual exclusivity's the bane of it all dear.. the bane of the sane.. n the rise of my cries..
i want it all.. tht the problem? the inability to decide.. choose.. demarcate..
n hence to satisfy.. please.. improve..

lost as a soul
without a rail
wanderin stumblin falterin
on the path still dark
the light had only flickerd to deceive
tho nothing left to perceive.

comfort n ease in blamin cribbin
got the keys to sum basic cravin
who am i u will never know
he who is me, to myself hell never show.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reqd : Justification

cant lose much without first havin stuff ;
so when does one start havin stuff ??

stuff needs a definition - depends on the context tho

The ipod rocks on...God-forbid it conks off ( have this re-assurin feelin it eventually will )
yankin me back to i-no-pod livin...
Better not to have bought it in the first place OR
Better to have indulged to the max while poss - n then - miss it to eternity ????

Eternity's probbly inapt here, cos ill b compelled to buy another ( money's the soln - my money )

But wot happens with friendship ? i prefer relationship - not as a romantic involvement - but as a generic term - to encompass wide rangin emotions - n the forced lack of them.

Eternity turns valid here due to the other person involved - no control over her.

Sentencin without a fair trial - trial - even im usin such words - forced to accept non-existent guilt .
stubborn? blind?? ( dialogue's the soln - our dialogue )
Thats where i lose my control. Uncertainty. Bloddy injustice.
Maybe im a tad too frank. bold. careless. Didnt see that comin.

Should i regret not havin returned in kind?
Dont think so..cos thats core me.. n the core's stored deep.

Friday, October 13, 2006

wonder of wonderins..

a month down...a month...the emotions almost seeped out...almost..

jus wonderin...

wot cudv been...
wot the sin was....
wot got into her....
mm..y bloddy y...


Friday, September 01, 2006

a question of response

forgive ? forget ??
erupt / taunt ..
clarify ....justify ?
dissolve or XPLOD ????

watever the course , the memory'll still remain...


does she have veins of black blood....or is she jus an impulsive, stubborn, arrogant moron?