Saturday, November 25, 2006

Reqd : Justification

cant lose much without first havin stuff ;
so when does one start havin stuff ??

stuff needs a definition - depends on the context tho

The ipod rocks on...God-forbid it conks off ( have this re-assurin feelin it eventually will )
yankin me back to i-no-pod livin...
Better not to have bought it in the first place OR
Better to have indulged to the max while poss - n then - miss it to eternity ????

Eternity's probbly inapt here, cos ill b compelled to buy another ( money's the soln - my money )

But wot happens with friendship ? i prefer relationship - not as a romantic involvement - but as a generic term - to encompass wide rangin emotions - n the forced lack of them.

Eternity turns valid here due to the other person involved - no control over her.

Sentencin without a fair trial - trial - even im usin such words - forced to accept non-existent guilt .
stubborn? blind?? ( dialogue's the soln - our dialogue )
Thats where i lose my control. Uncertainty. Bloddy injustice.
Maybe im a tad too frank. bold. careless. Didnt see that comin.

Should i regret not havin returned in kind?
Dont think so..cos thats core me.. n the core's stored deep.


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